Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского
Победитель конкурса сайтов СО РАН - 2010

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  О  Киренском
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  Мемориальный музей
  Бухг-рия, план. отдел
  Карта  сервера

Contributions to scientific journals

  1. Neyman K.M., Kondratenko A.V., Molchanova L.V., Avramov P.V., Nasluzov V.A.. Approximation of frozen Xa - orbits in the theory of X-ray and electron spectra. - Zhurn. Struktur. Khimii (USSR). Vol. 23, No 3, pp. 30-36, (1982)
  2. Neyman K.M., Ruzankin S.Ph., Kondratenko A.V., Avramov P.V., Test calculation of permanganate-ion by Xa - scattered wave method. Zhurn. Struktur. Khimii (USSR). Vol. 25, No 2, pp. 165-167, (1984)
  3. Avramov P.V., Kondratenko A.V., Neyman K.M.. Investigation of potential curves of ionized states of diatomic homonuclear molecules N2 and F2 by self- consisted-field Xa - scattered wave method. Zhurn. Struktur. Khimii (USSR). Vol. 26, No 1, pp. 8-14, (1985)
  4. Neyman K.M., Kondratenko A.V., Mazalov L.N., Nasluzov V.A., Avramov P.V.. Electronic structure and X-ray and photoelectron spectra of chromium, molybdenum and nickel carbonyls. Zhurn. Struktur. Khimii (USSR). Vol. 26, No 6, pp. 22-28 (1985)
  5. Avramov P.V., Ruzankin S.Ph., Zhidmirov G.M. Non empirical quantum-chemical investigation of La2CuO4 surface vacant electronic states. Sverhprovodimost (USSR). Vol 3, No 5, pp. 922-930 (1991)
  6. Avramov P.V., Ruzankin S.Ph., Zhidmirov G.M. Quantum-chemical self-consistent-field Xa - scattered-wave investigation of La2CuO4 vacant surface electron states. Phys.Rev. B46, No 10, pp. 6495-6500 (1992).
  7. Avramov P.V., Ruzankin S.Ph., Zhidmirov G.M. Adsorption dependence of vacant-electronic-state densities: As adatom on a lanthanum oxide surface. Phys.Rev. B46, No 10, pp. 6553-6559 (1992)
  8. Ovchinnikov S.G., Avramov P.V. Manifestation of strong electron correlation effects in X-ray and X-ray electron spectra of copper in High-temperature superconductors. Physics of the Solid State, 37, No 9, pp. 2559-2567 (1995)
  9. Avramov P.B., Ovchinnikov S.G. Influence of strong electron correlations on the form of the X-ray CuK Absorption spectra of La2-xSrxCuO4. JETP 81(4), pp.811-816 (1995)
  10. Avramov P.V., Ovchinnikov S.G., Non-diagram transitions in polarized X-ray absorption CuL3-spectra of HTSC, Physics of the Solid State, 38, pp. 3226-3240 (1996)
  11. Avramov P.V., Ovchinnikov S.G., Gavrichkov V.A., Ruzankin S.Ph., The Theory of X-ray Absorption Spectra of Strongly Correlated Copper Oxides, PhysicaC 278, pp. 94-106 (1997)
  12. Avramov P.V., Ovchinnikov S.G., Underestimation of forbidden gap in the electronic spectra of HTSC, Physics of the Solid State, 39, pp. 449-451 (1997)
  13. Avramov P.V., Ovchinnikov S.G., The strong electron correlation effects in XAFS spectra of HTSC cuprates, Journal de Physique IV, p. C2 183- C2 185 (1997)
  14. Taraban'ko V.E., Varganov S.A., Petukhov D.V., Ivanchenko N.M., A study of acid properties of radical intermediate of oxidation of lignin by quantum-chemical methods, Khimija Rastitel'nogo Syr'ja (Chemistry of plant raw materials) (in Russian), pp. 101-109 (1998)
  15. Varganov S.A., Avramov P.V.,. Ovchinnikov S.G, Ab initio Calculations of endo- and exohedral C60 fullerene complexes with Li+ ion and the endohedral C60 fullerene complex with Li2 dimer, Physics of the Solid State, 42, 388-392 (2000)
  16. Varganov S.A., Avramov P.V.,. Ovchinnikov S.G, Ab initio Calculations of endo- and ehohedral C60 fullerene complexes with Zn atom, Zh. Of Structural Chemistry, 41, 845-850 (2000)
  17. Avramov P.V., Varganov S.A., Ovchinnikov S.G., Dynamics of atomic base and electronic structure of some endo- and exohedral complexes of fullerene with light elements, Physics of the Solid State, 42, 2103-2110 (2000)
  18. Tomilin F.N., Avramov P.V., Kuzubov A.A., Ovchinnikov S.G., Possible synthesis-assembly of fullerene, Physics of the Solid State, 43, 936-943 (2001)
  19. Kuzubov A.A., Avramov P.V., Zakharov A.A., Ovchinnikov S.G., Varganov S.A., Tomilin F.N., Electronic structure of electron-doped fullerenes, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 45, No. 11, pp. 1738-1743 (2000)
  20. Kuzubov A.A., Avramov P.V., Tomilin F.N., Ovchinnikov S.G., Theoretical investigation of toroidal forms of carbon and their endohedral derivatives with Li ions, Physics of the Solid State, 43, 1904-1910 (2001)
  21. Kuzubov A.A., Avramov P.V., Tomilin F.N., Ovchinnikov S.G., Electronic and atomic structures of isomers of endo- and exohedral complexes with two Li atoms, Physics of the Solid State, 43, 1721-1726 (2001)
  22. Romanova T.A., Krasnov P.O., Avramov P.V., Electronic structure and dynamics of atomic base of hem complexes of hemoglobin with ligands under physiological temperature, Electronic Journal "Studied in Russia", 70, 781-791, http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2001/070.pdf (2001)
  23. Romanova T.A., Krasnov P.O., Avramov P.V., Selection of cluster models for electronic structure calculations and dynamics of atomic base of hem-containing proteins by QM/MM and ONIUM methods, Electronic Journal "Studied in Russia", 91, 1009-1016, http://zhurnal.ape.relarn.ru/articles/2001/091.pdf (2001)
  24. Romanova T.A., Krasnov P.O., Avramov P.V., Modification of hem electronic structure induced by complex formation with nitric oxide and the atomic backbone dynamics at room temperature, DAN BioChem and BioPhys, 380, pp. 1-3, (2001)

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им. Л. В. Киренского СО РАН 1998—2012 Для вопросов и предложений

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