Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского
Победитель конкурса сайтов СО РАН - 2010

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Электронные публикации 2005 года
1Alekseev K. N., Demarina N. V., Gorkunov M. V. Generation of high-frequency radiation in semiconductor superlattices with suppressed space-charge instabilitiese-print: cond-mat/0503216
2Arkhipkin V.G., Timofeev I.V. Temporal shape manipulation of adiabatonsarXiv e-prints: http://ru.arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0506195 (2005)
3Bobrov P.P., Zhirov P.V., Ivtchenko O.A., Krivaltsevitsh S.V., Stasuk V.D. Observed Effects of HumusSalt Contents and Soil Contamination on the Microwave Emissivity of Soils//Proc. of 31 International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-24 June, Saint Petersburg, 2005. 4p. [электронный ресурс]
4Gokhfeld D.M., Balaev D.A., Popkov S.I., Shaykhutdinov K.A., Petrov M.I. Magnetization loop and critical current of porous Bi-based HTSCarXiv: cond-mat/0506243, 3 p., 10 June. 2005
5Hyart Timo, Alekseev K. N., Leppanen Ahti, Thuneberg E. V. Terahertz Bloch oscillator with suppressed electric domains: Effect of elastic scatteringe-print: cond-mat/0511145
6Karpov S.V., Gerasimov V.S., Isaev I.L., Markel V.A. Local anisotropy and giant enhancement of local electromagnetic fields in fractal aggregates of metal nanoparticles SmithsonianNASA ADS arXiv e-prints Abstract Service (Архив электронных препринтов, http://adsabs.harvard.edu)
7Korshunov M.A. Study Influence of Doping on Temperature Dependence of Diffusion Rate in Organic Molecular CrystalsE-print archives, Physics, abstract physics.0510190, 3p. (2005)
8Ponomarev A.V., Kolovsky A.R. Dipole and Bloch oscillations of cold atoms in a parabolic lattice-print: cond-mat/0509322
9Ponomarev A.V., Mandronero J., Kolovsky A.R., Buchleitner A. Atomic across an optical latticee-print: cond-mat/0509602
10Popov A. K., Myslivets S. A., George T. F. Manipulative resonant nonlinear optics: nonlinear interference effects and quantum control of nonlinearity, dispersion, transparency and inversionless amplification in an extended strongly-absorbing inhomogeneously-broadened mediumhttp://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0501001 (2005)
11Коршунов M.A. Influence of vacancies on phase transition in an organic molecular crystalE-print archives, Physics, abstract physics.0507167, 3p. (2005).

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